My Experience With ADHD

Though I was diagnosed at such a young age my parents decided to take the behavioral treatment route. I can remember it taking me hours to complete my homework in first grade, when my older siblings were already finished with what was apparently much more difficult. The thought if growing older gave me anxiety, the thought of sitting still for a prolonged amount of time made me anxious. Social situations grew more and more difficult and I was struggling in my school work and in my social life with my peers. This pattern continued until 9th grade when my doctor prescribed me Vyvance, suddenly everything was so simple! The anxiety continued to increase but the schoolwork got much easier, which in time leveled out the  anxiety. Yet i felt stunted and less free. After a month of taking medication I developed a rash and vegan having chronic chest pain. I was kept on the medication by my doctor who assured my parents it was nothing, a day later I had a minor heart attack resulting from an allergic reaction to the drugs.

After that my parents were absolutely done with the non natural route of treatment. I found was of coping that lowered anxiety and enabled me to have a thriving social life. I focused my energy into my creative life as an artist. Through college I developed my talents in the one area I could focus, art! By senior year I received a scholarship to the USC Roski School of Fine Art, the school of my dreams! 
I proved to myself on a daily basis that anything is possible, even with this disorder. All it takes is hard work, determination, and a little bit of fun!Image

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