Overcoming ADHD: An Inspirational Story of Being Set Free

Overcoming ADHD


First grade for most parents is where they spend maybe 10 minutes at the most spending time with their child teaching them how to read and helping with homework. My parents had to spend 3-4 hours with me. I had a difficult time paying attention and it was hard to think that I needed to get things done. Later on when my parents took me to a therapist it was quickly discovered that I had ADHD and depression. My parents told me I had to repeat the third grade when I moved to my new school, and for this I hated them.

When I started the new medicine it was evident that it was working, I was paying attention and excelling at everything I put my mind to, but some kids started cracking jokes about how kids who repeated a grade were dumb. I told them that I was one of those kinds of kids and that it was to help me. Standing up for myself and for the other kids around me made me feel like I had made a difference in at least a couple kids’ lives. What I didn’t realize was that there were so many more lives that needed to be touched.

Fast forwar to my ninth grade year, in my science class. One day we had a substitute teacher. My friend sitting next to me started making me laugh by doing these crazy gestures. I think my laughing frustrated the sub, and she said, “Do you have ADHD? Can you not sit still for at least five minuets?”

Well, that had me outraged but at that moment the bell rang and we left class. Though I was mad, I did some research. There are so many sources that state that the same risks apply to an ADHD teen behind the wheel as they do a drunk driver.

Knowing this, and other facts about ADHD, I stop every kid that I hear make a joke about ADHD and I educate them, hoping this will stop them from saying the hurtful things that they say just to make their peers laugh. ADHD has put so many things in perspective for me and I want to pass on my dream for a world of children who are understanding of others with ADHD. Thank you.

What a better calling is this! The willingness to step out in boldness and share is my small way to help touch others in order to help everyone in this world make their lives and mine a little bit better.

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